Wednesday, February 25, 2009


General Market Statistics

-US trade statistics report 236 million kilograms (519 million pounds) of tea imports per year.

-646,575 kilograms (1.42 million pounds) of tea is consumed per day in the United States.

-Five out of six North Americans drink tea.

-The average North American consumes one cup of tea per day.

-The average North American consumes 800 grams (1.76 pounds) of tea each year.

-The American tea industry projects sales of $15 billion by 2012 a huge increase considering sales were only about $4.6 billion in 1999.

-Tea consumption will continue to increase as health-conscious consumers choose tea for its medicinal benefits.

Specialty Tea Market Statistics

The market niche for Tea Connexions' products is specialty teas-high quality, high end teas that produce a much superior cup of tea. We specialize in Leaf Grade teas from India, the world's largest producer and exporter of tea. We import superior teas, specializing in Darjeeling, the "Champagne of Teas."

Ten years ago, no one would have dreamed that consumers would pay $4.00 for a cup of specialty coffee. The following statistics show that the market for specialty teas is growing. As a member of the Tea Connexions buying group, you can profit from this trend. You can be the supplier who satisfies growing market demand for specialty teas.

-Specialty tea will represent the fastest growing segment of the tea industry over the next decade. According to Joseph P. Simrany, President of the Tea Association of the USA, Inc., this segment has the capability of doubling its volume over the next five years and might grow at an even faster pace. Simrany believes the trend to specialty tea is following on the heels of a similar expansion in the coffee industry. Today, specialty coffee counts for a third of total coffee sales and an even larger percentage of the profits.

-According to the fourth edition "U.S. Tea is 'Hot' Report," released by Sage Group International LLC a glut of lower grade commercial grade tea is being overshadowed by increased demand for higher-end specialty teas.

-According to the Sage Group, the greatest contributing factor to the tea industry's growth in the past two years has been news coverage of tea's health benefits.

-Baby boomers are the most receptive group to specialty teas. According to Sage, "for many of these two-income, stressed out families, tea represents more than a commodity beverage; it is an affordable way to relax and revitalize while learning about other cultures." Sage researchers believe that "millions of American households will shift to tea as their preferred daily beverage choice during the next three years."

-Bill Waddington, owner of Tea Source in St. Paul, MN believes that Americans are susceptible to food trends. He believes the wave towards tea "will have a longer-lasting impact (than coffee or cigars) because it is the only one that is good for you-it is the only truly luxury gourmet food in the world that has lasting effects on the health of the consumer and that is also of remarkable value."

Bottom line, the specialty tea market is growing, and will have a lasting financial impact on entrepreneurs that get involved. Timing is essential. With any upward trend, the first to get involved profit the most.

I hope you found this information useful. To ask me a question directly, feel free to call toll free: 1-877-leaftea (532-3832) ext. 111.

Best Regards,

Sanjay Gupta

P.S. Over the years, we have received many questions and requests for specific information from prospective members. The most popular questions are answered below. Click the links for the full articles.

What are some of the tax advantages of starting a business?

What are the most common reasons, people decide to start a business?

What are some of the key health statistics about tea?

What is so special about Tea Connexions teas?

How will distributing tea enable me to achieve financial independence?

How do I market tea?

Why do I need a website?

What are the top five reasons I should consider investing in the Tea Connexions business opportunity?

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