Thursday, November 27, 2008


Dear Tea Friends:

I just want to extend my best wishes to my American friends who are taking a deserved day off to get together with family and friends.

I know that it is tough to feel positive about the future right now. But, I think we all must take a good hard look at our current situation with some perspective. Right now there are people all around the world who are much worse off: children starving; wars being waged on its own citizens; economic and political strife.

Just recently, I watched a documentary on Somalia. The government is waging war on its own people. They showed some elderly women scrounging for food in a pile of rubble because their village was destroyed by the government. Broke my heart. We live in cruel times and it hurts me deeply to see innocent women and children suffering.

Currently, over 100 people have perished in an apparent terrorist attack in Mumbai India. I am thanking god that my wife and child are not in Mumbai right now. They are in India to celebrate my brother-in-laws wedding. I just spoke with Suruchi and she is fine; though, I am still worried and look forward to their return on December 28th.

We should consider ourselves lucky to live in democracies where governments are actually working to try to create solutions to the current period of economic instability. Throughout history there have been periods of economic stress. As always, we overcome. My hope is the governments of today will learn lessons from the past to create solutions for the future.

Do I believe in world peace? Yes, this is something I wish would happen. However, I think the reality is that as long as humanity continues to settle disputes with violence and financial gain is created from the trafficking and sale of arms, then we will always have war. History has shown this. I do not recall a period in history where the world has ever been at peace and there has not been war. My only hope is the governments of today will try to deal with the inequities of the world and implement policies that will lead to greater stability and peace.

The only thing I can do is continue to try to do my part to make the world a better place. A lover of history, I once wanted to be a professor and must admit, sometimes I really miss the atmosphere of the university. I think, at heart, I am intellectual in nature and hope one day to retire, go back to school, research and write books.

In the meantime, I will continue to carry on with Tea Connexions. Have to admit, I am passionate about tea and the fact that by being a business owner, I provide economic benefits to many people: my employees; my re-sellers and marketing partners; my suppliers in India and China and their employees; the governments that benefit from the tax revenue we generate; the couriers and freight companies that ship our products; the bankers that I pay interest and fees to; the accountants and lawyers that I consult with; our printers, server providers, designers, etc. As you can see, small to medium sized businesses enhance the livelihoods of many.

All this is possible because of the patronage of our customers and for that I am truly thankful. Your patronage not only enables me to stay in business, it also helps other business owners and families to retain their livelihoods as well. As you can see, in many respects, we are all some how connected.

Have a great day and please be grateful. I shall look forward to shipping out many more orders of tea. Our sale ends tomorrow.

Be Happy! Be grateful! Live with Passion!

Drink Tea and Prosper!

Best Regards,

Sanjay Gupta
Suruchi Gupta (Sanjay's Spouse)
Shivam Gupta (Our adoring 3.5 year old son)


Anonymous said...

this is so true. It is sad to see how those who don't know how to live in peace and love life. I feel sorry for those who live a life of hatred. Sometimes I wonder there must be some where in their life they hate living like that too. But am grateful for the love of family and friends and the freedom we have here.

Anonymous said...

what an inspirational post!
Keep doing what you are doing your dedication and passion is a wonderfully positive virus, and I can only pray others follow this sort of lead! Great Job! Great Tea!
Thanks for everything!